Maximum Impact Leadership Academy (MILA)

The Maximum Impact Leadership Academy (MILA) is a school of Leadership and Governance that trains Christian leaders beyond the pulpit context and prepares Christian Leaders for the effective work of the Ministry giving them deep-rooted biblical foundations and principles, as well as provide the much-needed balance necessary for them to excel in Ministry and the market place.

Who is it For?

MILA is for EVERYONE and ANYONE with a desire to succeed and a passion for excellence. The training system is designed to stimulate growth, entrepreneurship, develop matured Market place Christians and the realization of full potentials. This training is suitable for ANYONE – employed or not, a student, a professional, entrepreneur, a home maker, Church worker or in Christian Ministry.

Mode of Delivery?
  • We teach in a simple and practical way to enable you to get the most out of your time and put what you learn into practice. You should expect the following activities and modes of delivery:
    • Contact Lectures
    • Workshops/seminars
    • Mentoring and Impartation Sessions
    • Field Work and Practical Attachment
    • Experience Sharing by matured and very successful Christian Leaders in relevant areas
  • Please note that MILA is a progressive training programme and as such requires students to start with the basic course and progress accordingly to intermediate and advanced levels. This ensures that you get the very best out of the programme
Learning Accessment & Assurance

The Learning evidence – Notes

  • Reflections on Learning – Learners will be asked to keep a log / diary
  • Students will be expected to submit all set exercises
  • There will be role plays
  • Students will be given structured written tasks
  • Students will be expected to build a portfolio which will show that students have achieved all the assessment criteria necessary to gain credit for the particular unit/module
  • Tutors shall give regular feed backs to students
  • There will also be provision for Self-assessment and Peer assessment